Men’s House Application

Freeway Ministries House Application and Rules of Conduct

By signing this agreement, you are hereby acknowledging you are in a transitional living environment and have no landlord/tenant rights which would normally be afforded to you while staying at Free Way Ministries Safe Living House (hereinafter "house"). You are accepting the following rules and are agreeing to follow them during your stay in the house. Any violation of the following rules will result in immediate discharge from the house and failure to leave immediately may result in both criminal and/or civil action being brought against you.

What Freeway Expects from our house guest:

  • If you are on a psychological medication or pain medication that fits this description, we cannot accept you into the program. In addition to prescription medication, we include any herbal or synthetic medicines or supplements that might alter the mind or mood (ex: K2, Kratom, Bath Salts, CBD oil, Diet pills, Alcohol, or any other substance deemed dangerous by our staff.).

    Many in our homes suffer from various forms of addiction, and we must protect them from any and every danger of relapse.

    (***There are far too many of these types of substances to name, with more being designed daily. Again, we do not allow the culture to deem what is unacceptable. Such determinations of what is unacceptable shall be determined by the authorized structure of the house, in their sole, absolute, and unreviewable discretion.)

  • Remember, you are entering the program to learn how to follow Christ in a discipleship lifestyle. If Jesus would not say it or do it, then the same goes for you.

  • We respect our community and work to help people break free from the criminal mentality. That means 100% honesty with community agencies.

  • If you’re looking to continue living like a criminal, then you need not apply with us. We help our family members break free from the lie that glamorizes being a criminal, and we desire for our people to become productive citizens.

  • You will be very busy and actively serving the community. We work hand in hand with every community agency. DFS, drug court, probation and parole, juvenile centers, jails, prisons, churches, and rehab centers. We bus in local in-patient drug treatment centers to our local outreaches as well.

  • 10:00 pm every night, and for the first 30 days. The only time one can leave is to look for work or go to meetings. You may go to the store if you are accompanied by a housemate who is off probation. You must return to the house by 5:00 pm while on probation.

  • Remember, you are going to be watched for your behavior, and if you are negative, rebellious, and refuse to follow the structure of our housing, we will invite you to leave. We have beds for men and women who are 100% serious about changing who they are.

    We want to help people who are willing to do whatever it takes to become difference makers. If you are not willing to do whatever it takes, you need not apply with us.

  • Relationships cause relapse, and we expect our guests to abstain from relationships. Someone who is married generally will not be accepted unless it is a long-distance between the client and the spouse. We rarely accept someone who is married unless the relationship is long distance, and the couple is willing to go through counseling.

    We are a Christ-centered program, and we stand on the Biblical model of marriage! We also want to make sure our guests are qualified to be spouses, according to Ephesians 5. We expect you to give us 12 months of your life to help you learn how to have a healthy relationship with Jesus first and foremost.

    If you were ready for a relationship, then you would not be entering our housing.
    Relationships are the #1 cause for relapse.

  • They are to place five job applications every day, Monday through Friday. We occasionally have job leads, but you are responsible for looking for work and turning in your applications. We provide bus passes until you get a paycheck, and then you provide your bus passes for work.

    Everyone must have a job, and the job must be during the day, Monday through Friday. No nights or overnights. If you do not want to work and cannot work, this is not the program for you.

  • That is one of the main reasons everyone works the same hours. Those who want to live the lone-ranger life will not make it in our program.

    Accountability sheets are signed when leaving and coming home every day.

  • If you use drugs or alcohol, you must leave immediately. We never throw people away but give them a chance to prove they want in the house again. We will provide them with 30 days to show they want to come back. If they continue to show up, stay faithful, and participate in the program with the right attitude, then we will give them another shot.

  • The leadership team can and will search property at any time.

  • We have one-on-one mentorship through discipleship that helps our people learn how to apply principles and disciplines that are found in God’s Word to their life. This will be effective for a productive lifestyle and training that they can take with them.

    Our people receive mentoring, discipleship, and develop practical disciplines. They also become someone else’s mentor and teach others in the program what they learned.

    One of the biggest pitfalls in recovery is no purpose. We give our people a purpose and teach them ways to be effective for the rest of their lives.

  • You will give back at least 1-2 hours a week serving the community at our community outreaches. Our disciples serve in many areas. Some drive vans, are riders, alter workers, childcare volunteers (if they are qualified and have six months sober), teach teens, work security, and much more at our outreach events.

    NOTICE: You should expect to serve as a volunteer in some cases with heavy lifting and manual labor situations (taking care of the landscape, performing house maintenance and repair, setting up clothing to give to those less fortunate, etc.)

    If you have issues with donating your time without pay, then you do not need to apply for Freeway Ministries.

  • it is your responsibility to wake-up and make your bed. There is no sleeping around the house and being unproductive. We teach men to develop a productive lifestyle. Something that many have never been taught.

    You are to be up and getting your day started every morning. Your chores are to be done before you leave the house.

    If you have a day off and you want to nap, then make sure it is in your bed after your morning commitments are made—NO SLEEPING IN THE LIVING ROOM.

  • No one wants to be around a person who is filthy or doesn’t take care of yourself. You must take a shower daily and take care of your hygiene. You must also be dressed in the house. No one wants to see you with your clothes off—shirts and pajamas outside of your bedroom.

  • You are in a Christian environment, and this house is a place for you to learn from God. Church services and meetings are MANDATORY. You are required to attend ALL Freeway services, and for your probation period, you are required to go to every service our partnered church has (you have a choice to choose from any church that is partnered with our ministry, and a list will be provided to you).

    You are required to go to Sunday services, both morning and evening, as well as Wednesday night services. You should be excited to be a part of the church and should want to form relationships to get plugged-in at a local church.

  • If you are not a Baptist Christian, we will still accept you but understand that our partnering churches are Baptist or Baptist like churches. The material we use, and what we teach is also Baptist in doctrine.

    We will not allow someone to come in and buck that authority. We accept all Christian believers, no matter what background you come from, if you can accept our structure and rules. We have many come from all backgrounds, and they do fine.

  • You will be required to attend one meeting a week regarding a Biblical mindset. Many have spent their lives with a “flight or fight” mentality — handling disagreements like children. We teach men and women how to settle disagreements and conflict like adults. These meetings will be taught by leaders from our partnered churches.

    This will give you a chance to get an understanding from godly men and women that have been through life’s ups and downs. They will teach practical ways to be the person God intended you to be! The discipleship houses are for men and women to learn and grow. Plan on being busy. Those who have a desire to learn put hard work into the program and take away the most.

  • We are not responsible for anything that you bring into the house. Freeway Orlando is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items you bring, buy, or possess in the house at any time. YOU BRING THESE ITEMS INTO THE HOUSE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

    Nothing but clothing, hygiene, phones, learning material (Bible, books, notepads), and laptops can be brought into the house. Laptops & Tablets are by approval of Leadership ONLY.

  • Bedding is to be washed weekly and it is your responsibility to wash your clothes and bedding. Your laundry basket is to be kept up (you are not to have dirty clothes piled up anywhere), and once the basket is full, you must do your laundry. No one wants to smell your dirty clothing.

  • You are expected to do your chores daily. No exceptions. Chores will be given out by leadership and will change every two weeks. Everyone carries their weight.

  • This is one of the most, if not the most important parts of your walk with the Lord. You are expected to find a place to get involved and meet people to share your struggles, make friends, and learn how to live a productive Christian life. We have plenty of resources to help you get “plugged-in” and this will not be a problem for those who are serious.

    The places you get “plugged-in” to, must be approved by Freeway Ministries. There are a lot of different groups which focus on sobriety, but sobriety is not good enough alone, and a program, group, and/or any resource that sees sobriety alone as success is not going to be approved by the ministry. Imagine seeing those who have graduated the program staying plugged into the houses, and ministering to others? Those who have been in your shoes and have made it! That is what it is all about.

  • Guests aren’t allowed to have vehicles for first 4 months, and then only upon sole and unreviewable discretion of the leadership can you have one. You cannot bring several cars or create a junkyard. The vehicle must run, be legal, and you must have a valid driver’s license. No one will drive without a license period. If you want to break the law, then Freeway is not for you.

  • These phones are not to be tied up by one person all the time. The house phone, which may at the sole, absolute, and unreviewable discretion of the ministry employees or volunteers, be used by house guest.

    This is a privilege, and the house will not allow overuse or abuse of this privilege. The house will have this available for you so your family can call, current or prospective jobs can contact you, etc. Be respectful and know that the phone is for the whole house, NOT just one person.

    The time limit on the phone is ten minutes at a time, and no phone calls should come in after 10:00 pm and before 6:00 am (with limited exceptions).

  • There will be occasional food donations to the house, but this will not be something to rely on. There are community resources to help with food, and the ministry will do what we can to help, but ALL house guests are responsible for providing their food.

    No food will be allowed in the rooms and must be limited to the eating area and/or kitchen. You can place food in assigned places, with plastic (approved) containers, clearly marked with your name. Under no circumstance is anyone allowed to take someone else’s food without permission, and doing so will result in being terminated from the house.

  • You may bring items like a blanket, pillow, clothing, pictures, hygiene, and things of that nature in the house. You cannot bring furniture, TVs, game systems, or things of that nature in the house. Remember, this is a season of your life to prepare you for the rest of your life.

  • Such determinations of what is inappropriate shall be determined by the volunteers/employees of the house, in their sole, absolute, and unreviewable discretion.

    ***Freeway Ministries does not allow the culture to deem what is acceptable or unacceptable regarding medication, possessions, or behavior. Such determinations of what is acceptable or unacceptable shall be determined by the authorized structure of the house, in their sole, absolute, and unreviewable discretion. Any variation from the structure of these rules or any display of what is deemed unacceptable by Freeway Staff or volunteers is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.

  • Mothers with children in foster care may be admitted on a sliding scale. The ministry is not about making money from you, but we must charge service fees in order to maintain the premises and operate the house. Service fees help pay for things like your room being furnished, the house having things you need to live, the criteria that you learn from, maintenance, and repair of the house. The only thing you will need to provide is your hygiene and food (we will help with these things when we can, but they are not guaranteed).

    Having the first month’s fee when you come in gives you a great advantage! It keeps you from falling behind. Sometimes we can allow a person to come without their fees and give them a chance to pay for their bed with their first check, but many times we are over budget in this area. When a person has their fee ahead of time, they have an advantage.

    In the real world you will have to pay your way, and our structure is no different. Remember, you are accepted because of your request to learn how to be a disciple of Christ. Pay your service fees as soon as you receive your first check.

    NOTE: If you fall behind to the amount of $600.00 than you must leave the house. Some exceptions can be made if someone is hurt or has been sick. By signing this agreement, you agree to waive any legal rights or causes of action you may normally otherwise have. You also acknowledge that this living arrangement is NOT a Landlord/Tenant relationship in any way.

  • That includes breaking the 12-month commitment that is mandatory. This is a breach in your contract.

  • Freeway Orlando, Inc. shall not be liable for any accidents, incidents, or other causes of actions that may arise from living with other house guests. You acknowledge and assume the risk associated with other house guests who may be convicted criminals, suffer from addictions, and/or have mental health issues. You acknowledge the risk associated with living with these individuals and agree to hold Freeway Orlando, Inc. harmless from any cause of action or liability which may arise from living in this environment.


Please note that our program is for professing Christians. We are designed to make disciples of Christ, and our recovery is centered on the principles and disciplines found in the Bible. We need our applicants to be willing to surrender to our structure and give 100%. If you are a non-Christian, it would not be fair for us to ask you to follow our structure.

If you cannot handle being without a relationship or have a problem with someone getting in your business, you need to stop filling out this application. Remember your way does not work, so you must be willing to allow us to help you develop a new way of living. We have never had one person surrender to the structure of the program and fail! Those who fail are those who refuse to surrender and try to hold onto the old way of living.






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